Friday, April 29, 2005

amanha parto para o El Misti, 5825 metros... volto domingo à noite

and ever... Posted by Hello

amantani forever... Posted by Hello

a vantagem de ter portas tao pequenas é que nao se pode bater com a cabeca... Posted by Hello

Evarilda era uma senhora simpatica sempre que nos acompanhava para algum lado, aproveitava para ir fiando a cor que fazia falta a sua filha... Posted by Hello

Amantani local pulling our boat... we were to stay in some of the houses of his comunity... it felt nice and natural, everything (but the football match) was slow and pleasent, and I got to learn some quetchua. Posted by Hello

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Uros islands (floating isles they are) on the lake Titicaca, pretty but odd... it is the closest I have been to an human zoo... people in this place live, dress and behave for us, the tourists, all day long. Posted by Hello

selling juices outside the bus terminal of Juliaca. Posted by Hello

getting out of the jungle ON a sand truck... amazing views and scary thoughts. Posted by Hello

views from my breakfast spot... Posted by Hello

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75 cl of juice for one sole... I sat down... alone? she asked, yep, I answered, and are you not afraid of dying so far away? she asked, you know... things happen. The best answer I could come up with was whether she could you use orange juice instead of water...  Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 28, 2005

class room in Pilcopata Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

that's how my cloths looked after two days of cycling... Posted by Hello

Coca leafs is not a drug... or so they say... It sure is helpful on altitude, you put a couple, chew a couple of times, and then leave it on the side of your mouth for the next ten fifteen minutes, until your mouth goes numb... and then repeat the procedure over and over again. Most farmers or porters have a permanent huge bag of coca leafs in their cheeks Posted by Hello

I asked her what time was it, she said eight, maybe nine, eight thirty, yes, definitely eight thirty... I smiled, and said she actually didn't have a clue... she turned on the electricity generator and then the radio, they always know the right time she said... eight thirty it was. Later, a group of three guides, doing the same route, arrived to that same house, the girl had just felt from the bike and our friend immediatly carefully treated her face with a cream taken from a branch on the floor... sano-sano... Posted by Hello

As I woke up, I had some very annoyed farmers in my "room", as they had most of their coca leafs robbed by the authorities... the only ones allowed to deal coca leafs for normal tea or chewing consumption... although most of the coca leafs they take from farmers goes into cocaine production... Posted by Hello

first night in the jungle, Jose Luis thought (most of the time) he was a cat and spent a good half an hour walking around me and doing "miau"... until he simply fell a sleep in the floor. Although indoors, I have to acknowledge Hugo for his tent... Posted by Hello

apparently, in this wall of Sacsayhuaman you can see a lama... other then serving esthectical purposes, it was also an anti-sismic measure...
 Posted by Hello

kids hanging arround some ruins close to cusco... and asking for money... Posted by Hello

... something to put under the drying corn...  Posted by Hello

Cusco est� cheia de vendedores de rua, engraxadores de sapatos ou simplesmente gente que posa em trajes t�picos na esperanca de ser fotografada e assim receber a sua propina... Posted by Hello

Cusco � sem d�vida uma das cidades mais bonitas do peru, ainda que cheia de turistas � poss�vel ver encontrar "porters" na praca principal esperando pela pr�xima expedic��� Posted by Hello

Monday, April 25, 2005

em jeito de ponte, faço um resumo do que têm sido os últimos dias cujas fotografias aparecerao nos próximos dias. Depois do trilho inca, seguiram-se uma série de dias naquela que é considerada a mais bonita e emblemática cidade do perú... e nao é por acaso, por aí visitei ruínas, igrejas, fiz um dia de rafting no rio Urubamba... mas faltava algo, faltava gente de lá, cusco está cheio de turistas e de locais que vivem para o turismo, que se vestem com trajes típicos apenas para que se lhe dê um sole por uma foto... e assim tudo perde piada, por isso decidi alugar uma bicicleta e passar três dias a conhecer a fronteira entre os Andes e a Floresta Tropical, foram três dias inesquecíveis em que pude, entre outras coisas, ficar em casa de comerciantes de folha de coca... o resto fica para próximos posts e fotografias... Posted by Hello

o colibri é rápido, mas o polen traiu-o! Mais um momento em que desejei ter um rolo a cores... Posted by Hello