Monday, January 29, 2007

o filme que o you tube não tem...

Os agradecimentos do Roberto Benigni aquando da recepção do prémio de melhor actor principal.. o texto é qualquer coisa deste tipo (deve ser lido aos gritos e com uma pronuncia bem italiana):
"Thank you," he said (taking the stage after jumping over several rows of seats). "This is a terrible mistake, because I used up all my English! ... I would like to be Jupiter and kidnap everybody and lie down in the ground making love to everybody - because I don't know how to express - it's a question of love. You are really... this is a mountain of snow, so delicate, the suavity and the kindness, it is something I cannot forget!"


At 5:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

brother... tás mesmo lamechas!!! ;)

see you soon, joao


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