Friday, July 22, 2005

Stockwell passenger Mark Whitby told BBC News he had seen a man of Asian appearance shot five times by "plain-clothes police officers".
"One of them was carrying a black handgun - it looked like an automatic - they pushed him to the floor, bundled on top of him and unloaded five shots into him" he said.


Londoner Dan Copeland was in the carriage in which the man was shot.
"We were sitting for a few minutes on the platform, then we heard shouting from the concourse between the two platforms. Then the man burst in through the door to my right and grabbed hold of the pole and a person by the glass partition near the door, diagonally opposite me.
"An officer jumped on the door to my left and screamed, 'Everybody out!'
"People just froze in their seats cowering for a few seconds and then leapt up.
"As I turned out the door onto the platform, I heard four dull bangs. "

É-me até fácil imaginar o cenário de tantas vezes que o vi no cinema, mas estes são testemunhos de gente real sobre gente real com que até me posso ter cruzado no fim de semana passado...
e dou graças por ninguém ter reparado em dois estrangeiros, com mochilas de tamanho considerável, que no domingo passado corriam na estação de Oxford Street para não perderem um avião.


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